
Why there is an incredible demand for network cabling specialists

February 25, 2022

Network cabling is a virtually untapped trade that shows no signs of slowing down. 

Where is this growth coming from? And what does it mean for powering new career opportunities in network cabling?

Low voltage technology is fast-changing because it allows information to travel freely and makes our everyday life so much easier. That’s why so many businesses are expanding their low voltage capabilities – and it’s driving an incredible demand for Network Cabling Specialists.

Demand for Network Cabling Specialists is Growing in Ontario

There are several trends pointing to the increased demand for network cabling specialists, including a growth of fiber-optic networks, with internet services and consistent residential and commercial construction. 

As remote work continues to boom, telecommunications providers are working to support network demands, as well as government investments being made towards upgrading and expanding wireless internet infrastructure, particularly in remote and rural communities.

Network Cabling is Found Across the Electrical Industry

The convergence of all networks can be traced by to the mid 90’s. Instead of having separate networks run all separate building operations, all data points are now on one network.

Low voltage cabling has led to a demand of skilled workers to support the growth of network hardware, including:

  • Data-driven buildings,
  • HVAC controls, 
  • Lighting, 
  • Security
  • Power-over-ethernet lighting (PoE),
  • Wireless security,
  • Data, voice and video applications, 
  • Telephone lines,
  • Solar equipment,
  • Building automation,
  • Energy efficient lighting controls,
  • And satellite television.

The Internet of Things has us more connected than ever. Network Cabling Specialists are solving real-world business problems, and are responding to the needs of the market. The industry needs highly-trained Network Cabling Specialists to install and maintain these networks that we all rely on. 

Why we Need Experienced Network Cabling Specialists in the Ranks

Having the skilled specialists that can work on those devices is important, especially when there are sensitive job sites like hospitals or government buildings. 

Consider for a minute how complex a hospital is and how all systems are tied together. If a system is not properly installed and protected, it could have the potential to compromise the entire network. It would be unsafe to have just have anybody working on them. That’s why getting more experienced workers within the ranks is important.

Here’s what IBEW training coordinator, Brad Watt, had to say: 

“Having well-trained Network Cabling Specialists that know how to deal with a system; know how it operates and how they are intertwined with the other systems within any infrastructure is important.” 

IBEW Members Have the Skills, Safety and Training 

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) understands where the trends are moving towards, and the importance of having qualified technicians installing and maintaining these systems. 

Our members have the skills and safety training so they will lay systems properly the first time, but it’s also done to protect clients that are expanding their business in Low Voltage Technologies.

Looking to advance your career as a Network Cabling Specialist? Get the latest updates from IBEW by email.

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